Laser Hair Removal Langley is a non-invasive procedure that permanently removes unwanted hair. It is an alternative to traditional methods such as shaving, waxing, and tweezing.

Laser Hair Removal

The treatment can be mildly uncomfortable but is not considered painful. The practitioner may apply numbing cream to the area of skin before treatment begins.

Laser hair removal is a virtually painless and permanent way to reduce or remove unwanted body hair. It works by targeting the pigment in the hair, which is converted to heat that damages the hair follicle. Once the follicle is damaged it can no longer grow hair. Most people require two to six treatments before their hair growth stops completely. Before a treatment, the area to be treated will be shaved or trimmed so that the hair is only a few millimeters above the skin surface. The technician may also apply a topical numbing cream to help with the sting of the laser pulses.

Your skin and hair color will impact how well laser hair removal works for you. It’s best for people with a significant contrast between their skin tone and hair color, because it makes the pigment easier for the laser to target. It can also be used on darker skin, but your doctor will likely recommend lightening creams to prevent potential complications.

You should avoid waxing, plucking, and electrolysis for at least four weeks before your treatment because those methods disrupt the hair follicles. You’ll also need to limit sun exposure because it can make your skin more sensitive to the laser’s heat. You should also avoid blood-thinning medications like aspirin, because they can interfere with the procedure’s success.

Most people report that laser hair removal is less painful than shaving or waxing. However, the degree of pain can depend on your pain threshold and how large an area the technician is treating. The good news is that the treatment is quick and relatively painless, and it gets progressively less painful with repeated sessions.

What Are the Side Effects?

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective treatment for almost all skin types. However, like any procedure it does have some side effects. These typically include a slight irritation in the treated area. Itching can also occur, which is normally caused by a histamine reaction and will usually settle within 2 – 3 days. Some people can experience changes in pigmentation, with the area becoming darker or lighter after treatment, but this is usually temporary.

Before the laser hair removal treatment begins, the technician will clean the skin and often apply a numbing gel to make the process more comfortable. They will also wear protective eyewear, to avoid any potential injury from the laser light.

During the treatment, you will feel a series of sharp sensations, similar to rubber bands snapping against the skin. This is because the laser light is damaging the hair follicles. Then the area will become slightly swollen and red, but this should subside within a few hours. Some people can also notice a smell of smoke, which is the hair follicles burning during treatment.

After the treatment, you can continue with your normal day-to-day activities. Your practitioner will advise you on how to care for your skin after the treatment, including keeping it protected from sun exposure and using ice packs or cold compresses to minimize any pain or swelling.

It’s important to choose a reputable provider and equipment for laser hair removal, as these treatments are not suitable for all people. It’s also best to avoid laser hair removal if you have a history of keloid scarring or other skin healing issues, as this can be made worse by the treatment.

Are There Any Risks?

As long as it’s performed by a properly trained technician, laser hair removal is extremely safe. The treatment doesn’t cut into the skin, so there is no risk of infection or scarring. It’s also not as invasive as other hair removal methods, so there is less downtime. However, you may still experience some redness and swelling after your session.

Before your first treatment session, you’ll meet with a dermatologist or laser hair removal specialist to discuss the best course of action for your specific needs and skin type. They will also review your medical history and address any concerns you have.

During the actual session, your doctor will press a hand-held laser instrument against your skin. It may be covered in a cooling device or gel to minimize discomfort and protect the surface of your skin from any damage. The laser light passes through the skin to reach the targeted hair follicles and destroy them, inhibiting future growth.

Before the laser treatment, you’ll likely be advised to shave the area being treated. This is preferable to waxing, as it ensures the laser beam is focusing on the root of your hair, rather than its follicles on the skin’s surface. You’ll also be encouraged to avoid tanning in the weeks leading up to your treatment, as this can make your skin more sensitive to the laser’s effects.

Once the hair follicles are destroyed, most people notice permanent results. But, if you go through major hormonal changes or change your genetics, then new hair could grow in the area. Fortunately, this is rare, and most people find their hair reduction results last for years. It’s worth noting that some traditional hair removal methods like shaving and waxing haven’t been proven to offer long-term results, so laser treatments are a much better option!

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Laser hair removal was one of the top five nonsurgical procedures performed in 2016. It is a fast, safe and effective method to reduce or remove unwanted body hair. However, a variety of factors play a role in the number of sessions required for optimal results. These factors include the area being treated, how thick the hair is and your skin color. Having an understanding of these factors will help you determine whether this treatment is right for you.

Unlike other cosmetic treatments, a laser can only affect hair follicles that are in the active growth stage. This is why it takes multiple treatment sessions to see noticeable results.

The average patient requires between four and six laser hair removal treatments to achieve their desired look. These treatments are typically spaced out several weeks apart. To optimize your results, it is important to follow your technician’s instructions. This includes following the pre and post treatment guidelines. This will help minimize any potential side effects.

It is also important to avoid tanning before and after your treatment sessions. Tanned skin will not respond to the treatment as well. It is also a good idea to avoid plucking, waxing and shaving the areas that will be treated. This will help prevent the hair from being removed before it can be destroyed by the laser.

If you have any questions about laser hair removal, it is best to speak with a doctor or specialist. They will be able to provide you with an accurate assessment of your treatment needs and help you achieve your desired look. They can also give you tips on how to care for your skin after the treatment and prevent hair from regrowing.

Will Hair Grow Back?

Whether or not hair grows back after laser hair removal depends on the person’s specific hair growth cycle and how many treatment sessions are required for effective results. The most common reason for hair regrowth is that the targeted hair follicles were in the wrong phase of the growth cycle during the first session. Those hair follicles will need to be targeted again in the new-growth phase to prevent hair from growing.

Another reason hair grows back is that some of the target hair follicles may have been damaged but not destroyed, and they will grow again. This is also why multiple treatment sessions are recommended. The goal of laser hair removal is to destroy as many follicles as possible, and it may take several treatment sessions for this to happen.

The color and thickness of the hairs can also affect results. The laser targets the pigment in the hair, so people with a darker complexion and thicker hairs typically see better results. However, recent advancements in the technology have made it possible to treat a wider range of skin complexions and hair colors.

Hairs do not fall out immediately after laser treatments, and they may shed over a seven to 30-day period. Some people mistake this for continued hair growth, but it is just the body shedding dead hairs that have been damaged by the laser.

Laser hair removal is an excellent option for those who are ready to stop shaving, waxing, and dealing with ingrown hairs. The freedom and confidence that come with smooth, hair-free skin make it a worthwhile investment for most. Schedule an evaluation with a specialist to learn more about the benefits of laser hair removal and how many treatments you will need.